
Let’s Celebrate Lunar New Year!

By |2021-12-22T19:52:05+00:00February 12, 2021|Celebrations, City of Victoria, Downtown, Food, Shopping|

This Friday, February the 12th, is Lunar New Year! This holiday is celebrated by millions of people around the world. There is so much history in Victoria's Chinatown, from the Gate of Harmonious Interest to Fan Tan Alley and beyond. With the pandemic still a part of our lives, supporting its wonderful businesses is vital to their survival.

Around the World in Victoria, BC

By |2021-12-22T20:49:54+00:00February 8, 2021|City of Victoria, Downtown, Food, Shopping|

Despite the fact that we can't travel anywhere right now, Destination Greater Victoria has found a way to experience some of the wonders of the world without leaving Victoria. We liked their blog post so much that we wanted to share it too! Enjoy your trip around the world and don't forget to tag downtown businesses when you visit!

New Year’s Resolutions: Become a Plant Owner

By |2021-12-22T21:30:05+00:00January 22, 2021|City of Victoria, Downtown, Shopping|

With a new year starting, we look to the future and make new goals for ourselves, such as becoming a plant owner or even starting a garden. We've put together some ways to help you if this is one of this year's ambitions, while also supporting local downtown businesses. It's a win-win!

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