


Earth Month Sustainable Living: Eco-Conscious Shops

By |April 16, 2021|Downtown, Food, Shopping, Sustainability|

The choices we make when we shop are important and can make a huge difference to both local businesses and the environment. There are many businesses downtown that care deeply about the environment and have eco-conscious initiatives, goals, and business plans. By supporting them, you help support their efforts and you can feel great about your purchase, especially during Earth Month!

Earth Month Sustainable Living: Supporting Local Businesses

By |April 14, 2021|Downtown, Services, Shopping, Sustainability|

April is Earth Month and one fantastic way to live sustainably is to support local businesses! Whether it's a retail shop, a grocery store, a restaurant, or a supplier, they help keep our city a unique and diverse place, re-invest more money into our community, and support the community through creating local jobs.

Earth Month Sustainable Living: Green Beauty

By |April 12, 2021|Downtown, Services, Shopping, Sustainability|

A great way to lower your environmental footprint and care for the earth is to support green beauty companies and products. There are many downtown businesses to help you with this goal, from hair care to beauty salons and beyond. Remember that supporting local businesses is another fantastic way to be more sustainable too! Since April is Earth Month, when is a better time to explore new, sustainable self-care options?

Earth Month Sustainable Living: Buy Less Meat

By |April 9, 2021|Downtown, Food, Sustainability|

One of the most tangible ways to lessen your environmental footprint is to buy less meat. The meat industry contributes immensely to climate change and greenhouse gases, as well as affecting individual ecosystems and using a lot of space and energy for production. Even if we all increased the number of vegetarian or vegan meals we eat each week by a few, there would be a great difference. Considering April is Earth Month, we have put together some information on this industry, as well as a list of some local downtown restaurants and businesses that can help you eat less meat.

Earth Month Sustainable Living: Buy Less Packaging

By |April 7, 2021|Downtown, Services, Shopping, Sustainability|

Buying less packaging and reducing your single-use plastic consumption is a fantastic way to support the environment and minimize your plastic footprint. For Earth Month, we want to help you find easy ways to live more sustainably. So we have put together some suggestions and ideas for reducing your use of plastics.

Earth Month Sustainable Living: Buy Less New

By |April 6, 2021|Downtown, Shopping, Sustainability|

April is Earth Month and we want to help you feel empowered when it comes to sustainable living. A great way to live more sustainably is to buy less new. Shopping secondhand keeps things out of the landfill and allows you to express your style, whether it be for fashion or interior design, without a sacrifice from the planet.

What Does Sustainability Really Look Like?

By |April 1, 2021|City of Victoria, Downtown, Services, Sustainability|

April is Earth Month! We talked to Sadie at The Sustainable Fox, a company specializing in advising and consulting on sustainability plans and habits, and asked her some questions about what sustainability looks like and how to have a more sustainable lifestyle. She had some great advice and suggestions for where to start and how to look at sustainable living in Victoria.

Women’s History Month Spotlights Round-Up

By |March 31, 2021|Downtown, Food, Services, Shopping|

Throughout March, we featured many of the women-owned downtown businesses here on our blog with the goal of acknowledging and celebrating them and their achievements. They help make our city and our community special. With the month coming to an end, we wanted to collect all these features into one place and applaud them one more time! And they are not the only ones! All of the fantastic businesses downtown need our support to be able to remain open, even tagging businesses on social media is a great and easy way to lend our support!


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  200-764 Yates Street, Victoria BC


Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on the latest events and more!


  200-764 Yates Street, Victoria BC


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