It’s everyone’s favourite topic:
Did You Know?
City of Victoria Parkades have average stall availability of 5 – 20%.
At average $3.50/hour, Victoria’s parking costs are significantly lower than Vancouver, Toronto, Calgary, and Halifax.
The City of Victoria’s ParkVictoria app gives you a refund on unused time at the parking spot
The City of Victoria recently launched a real-time parking page, so you can see which parkades have space and avoid frustrations of driving around searching for spaces.
Why is the Downtown Victoria Business Association tackling this parking discussion? Because the current narrative about downtown parking impacts downtown businesses – the heartbeat of Victoria’s economy and an integral part of our community. We updated this page to help you understand downtown parking, and to help you park easier.
Shop local and park for free at the following downtown parkades:
Johnson Street Parkade | Bay Centre Parking |
Centennial Square Parkade | Sussex Building Parkade |
Broughton Street Parkade | Harbour Centre Parkade |
Yates Street Parkade | Broughton Square Parkade |
View Street Parkade |
The DVBA is not the City of Victoria, we do not control parkades, on-street parking, or any other parking-related services. We do not make decisions about parking, and we do not directly benefit from changes to the City’s paid parking downtown. We hear the frustrations around parking downtown, and we are aware of the facts about the parking situation in the core. This page is to help you park easier downtown.
Downtown Parking Map
Parking Downtown Frequently Asked Questions
General Parking Questions
What is the total number of parking spaces downtown, including in parkades and on-street spaces?
The City of Victoria has around 1,900 spaces in their parkades, 1,900 on-street, and Robbins Parking parkades and lots have 3,100 spaces, so 6,900 total paid parking spaces downtown.
How can I pay for parking downtown?
In the City parkades, you can pay by coin, credit card, and via the ParkVictoria app.
For Robbins Parking at the Victoria Conference Centre and Broughton Square, there is an attendant that will collect your money when you exit. At the other Robbins parkades and surface lots, you can pay at the meter or using the HONK or Pay by Phone app.
Are there any free parking options in downtown Victoria?
All City parkades have 1-hour free spaces to allow for quick shopping experiences and short appointments.
What is the cheapest way to park downtown?
The least expensive parking is the $2/hr rate which is about 5-6 blocks from the core. City Parkades are $2.50/hr right in the core compared to $4/hr on-street parking. If you are coming in for a short period, then the 1-hour free spaces in the parkades are the best.
Are there designated parking spots for people with disabilities?
Yes, all downtown parkades have accessible spaces.
Are there any plans to increase parking spaces downtown?
Not at this time.
How do I contest a ticket I don’t believe was fairly given to me?
For on-street parking or City of Victoria parkades, complete their Parking Ticket Review Form.
For Robbins Parking, appeal online or call 250-382-4411 or 250-382-4439 to speak with someone who will attempt to resolve your issue as quickly as possible.
How many bike parking spaces are available on-street and in the parkades?
Parkades typically have bike racks near the entrance or exit of the parkade. The parkades have a 10-20 spots each and the streets have maybe 600-700 designated spaces for bikes.
On-Street Parking Questions
How do the passenger zones and time limited spots work?
Passenger zones allow drivers to stop for up to three minutes to drop someone off or pick someone up. Delivery services also use these zones. After 4pm commercial loading zones become passenger zones.
Why did the City of Victoria change on-street parking on Sundays/daily 6-8pm from free to paid?
Extending the payment till 8pm helps ensure more spaces available for patrons coming downtown after 4:30pm. When parking was free after 6pm, the City found there was little turnover on-street after 4:30pm, as spots were paid for the 90 minutes and the vehicle would stay there for the evening.
According to the City of Victoria, the increased revenues were used to reduce increases in property taxes and to create a Downtown Improvement Fund (OUR DWTN – not connected to the Downtown Victoria Business Association).
Are there options for long-term or monthly parking in downtown parkades?
Currently, there are no long-term parking options in City of Victoria facilities. Monthly parking options are available at almost all Robbins Parking lots.
What are the fines for parking violations downtown?
City of Victoria metered parking spaces have a fine of $60 with a $30 payment discount if paid within two weeks.
Robbins’ Parking spaces have a fine of $80 with a $40 payment discount if paid within three days.
City of Victoria Parkade Questions
Is there a grace period for paying after parking in a parkade?
The pay stations provide a 10-minute grace. The ParkVictoria app does not provide a grace period as you can stop the parking session and refund money to the minute.
Can I park overnight in downtown parkades?
Yes, parkades are free after 8pm and payment must be made at 8am the following morning. Both the pay stations and ParkVictoria allow for payment after 8pm that will begin the following morning so no need to wake up early.
Why did the City of Victoria eliminate parkade attendants?
The City of Victoria eliminated the attendants to remove the gates and provide parkade parkers with the ability to use the ParkVictoria app. Eliminating the gates allows for easier access and exiting vehicle. It has eliminated long line-ups that occurred at busier times of the day (when commuters exited all at once).
How can I find out where there is available parking?
The City of Victoria has a webpage that shows spaces in parkades, including 1-hour free, accessible, and 3-hour max spaces. Find Parkade Spaces | City of Victoria Soon, signs will be mounted outside each parkade that will indicate space numbers in each.
Is there security at City parkades?
There is onsite security in parkades from 4pm to 12pm. During all other times there are two mobile security vehicles patrolling the parkades.
Robbins Parkades Questions
Is there bike parking in Robbins parkades?
The parkades at Harbour Centre, Broughton Square, VCC, Sussex, Bay Centre have bike racks and some have bike cages. The cages require access..
Can I park overnight in Robbins downtown parkades?
Yes, you can park overnight in Robbins downtown parkades. All the parkades have security gates that close at various times between 8pm and 11pm.
Are there any plans to increase Robbins parking spaces downtown?
Robbins Parking doesn’t have any plans to increase parking spaces. Right now, they are waiting for the Telus Ocean building to open as it looks like there will be a good amount of stalls.
How can I find out where there is available Robbins Parking?
Robbins Parking has a parking locator webpage where you can find real-time available spaces at or you can call 250-382-4411.
Is there security at Robbins parkades?
At the Victoria Conference Centre there is an attendant and Empress security. At Broughton Square, there is an attendant from 8am to 11pm and 15-20 mobile security patrols each day. Both Harbour Centre and the Bay Centre have an attendant from 8am to close.
What is the average hourly cost of parking at Robbins Parking lots and surfaces?
The rates for Robbins Parking fluctuate depending on the location, average cost is approximately $3-$3.50.
The City of Victoria Parking information:
The City of Victoria operates five parkades, in addition to providing on-street parking. Paid parking hours are from 8 am to 8 pm, for all parkades and parking zones. Real time parkade availability is on the City of Victoria website, so you can see which parkades have room before you park.
On-street parking is free from 8 pm to 8 am, and all day on holidays; on Sundays, on-street parking has a four-hour time limit at a rate of $2.50/hour in a 90-minute zone and $1.50/hour in other parts of downtown. (Drivers with accessible parking permits can park for up to 4 hours on Sundays at regular on-street metered parking places.)
At the five City parkades, parking is free from 8 pm to 8 am and all day on Sundays and holidays. All City parkades have a rate of $2.50/hour. Learn more here.
If you pay when you park with the ParkVictoria app, you can ‘top up’ your parking session if your errand takes a few minutes longer than expected … or get a refund of any unused time when you are ready to head home. This is one of the most convenient ways to pay for parking in Downtown Victoria, as it reduces your risk of tickets for staying overlong and ensures that you only pay for the time that you use.
This page is an informational resource. If you are having a problem regarding parking itself, please contact the City of Victoria (250-361-0260) or Robbins Parking (250-382-4411).