About the DVBA

Whether you live here, work here, or are visiting, welcome.

We are a small team of dedicated professionals, working hard to support and promote downtown Victoria. It’s a beautiful, happening place, and it’s only getting better.

Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) are the hub for all things business, cultural, civic and community. BIAs typically develop and undertake programs to improve and beautify the Improvement Area, to promote the districts and the businesses within it, to bring customers to the area, to stimulate the economy, and to support the community.

These programs can include physical improvements to the area, events and activities, promotional activities, decor and enhancements, advisory and advocacy, and member communications. These programs typically aim to keep the BIA area foremost in the public’s mind as an attractive, pleasant place to shop, to be entertained, to work, and to live.

For many BIAs, the social wellbeing of the community is very important. Many BIAs have programs that deal specifically with homelessness, graffiti, crime prevention, safety, transportation, accessibility, density, green spaces, and other issues. In addition, BIAs have expanded their roles to include business recruitment to their list of goals.

The Downtown Victoria Business Association (DVBA) was established as a not-for-profit organization in 2005 through a municipal bylaw in 2005. We are what’s known as a BIA, or Business Improvement Area. The bylaw established that all businesses within the DVBA’s boundaries are automatically DVBA members. The DVBA is funded through a special levy (tax). The cost of a membership (tax levy) is based on the property’s commercial assessment. Members do not have to pay any additional fees outside of the levy managed via their regular property tax payments with the City of Victoria.

We are a not-for-profit organization, under the direction of a volunteer board of management. See who’s on our board here.

The DVBA works diligently to improve the lines of communication between businesses, the community at large, and the City of Victoria’s council and staff.

We strive to create a vibrant community and a prosperous economic environment to make Downtown Victoria the region’s destination for business.


The DVBA Mission is to nurture and promote the vitality and vibrancy of downtown Victoria and its business community.

Our Vision is to be the authority on all things happening in Victoria’s downtown core.


The Downtown Victoria Business Association is committed to:

✓ Being focused and strategic in deployment of resources
✓ Being accountable, fiscally responsible, and transparent
✓ Being responsive to the needs and expectations of stakeholders
✓ Acting with integrity

DVBA Grants

We offer a range of financial assistance through our grant programs: from sustainability grants, to support for security and vandalism repair.

Check out the latest grants being offered to see if your business qualifies.

Meet Our Team

The Downtown Victoria Business Association is governed by a board composed of up to 12 private-sector directors, and one appointed non-voting member from the City of Victoria, who acts as our liaison. As a business-led not-for-profit, it’s the Board of Directors who provide strategic direction and leadership to the DVBA. Our Executive Director, Jeff Bray, along with a small, specialized in-house team, manages the implementation of the DVBA’s marketing, promotions, events and community engagement, and business improvement goals.


Meet Our Team

The Downtown Victoria Business Association is governed by a board composed of up to 12 private-sector directors, and one appointed non-voting member from the City of Victoria, who acts as our liaison. As a business-led not-for-profit, it’s the Board of Directors who provide strategic direction and leadership to the DVBA. Our Executive Director, Jeff Bray, along with a small, specialized in-house team, manages the implementation of the DVBA’s marketing, promotions, events and community engagement, and business improvement goals.

Cleaning Graffiti

The Clean Team

The DVBA’s Clean Team complements the City’s efforts to keep our Downtown clean. They are on duty from 8 am until 4 pm every weekday. They clean, safely dispose of drug paraphernalia, and remove graffiti from private properties in downtown Victoria.

DVBA Annual General Meeting

The DVBA hosts an Annual General Meeting to present highlights from the Annual Report on Downtown.

Learn more about the business portion of this meeting, as well as nominations, voting members, and proxy vote forms.

DVBA Letters & Reports

The DVBA publishes open letters to Council, information, and reports, including the Annual Report on Downtown; this report measures the economic vitality of downtown. It reflects our experiences, challenges aspects of the public narrative, and highlights areas of concern from the business perspective.

Read the latest letters, Annual Report, and more.


Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on the latest events and more!

  200-764 Yates Street, Victoria BC



Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on the latest events and more!


  200-764 Yates Street, Victoria BC

