Published On: June 14, 2021 | By |

Downtown Yoga Spots


Take some time for yourself and take a deep breath at a relaxing yoga class!

You can still enjoy an indoor class while staying COVID safe as Provincial Health Officers are allowing group low-intensity exercises that adhere to the COVID-19 Safety Plan.


Quantum Yoga Club


8-1701 Douglas Street

Quantum Yoga has a commitment to “seeing you fully” while creating an experience to surround you with encouragement and empathy. Not only will you feel a sense of inclusivity, but they also want you to feel like you have a support system in place throughout your visit. From a selection of classes, Quantum Yoga has a focal point in hot yoga, warm flow, yin, and Quantum Health (QH).


Ashtanga Yoga Victoria


560 Johnson Street #203

Ashtanga Yoga has a dynamic selection of classes that work towards connecting postures (also known as asanas), into vitalizing energy. This helps to keep your body moving whilst simultaneously focusing on your breathes. Join Ashtanga yoga through a series of six different set sequences that vary in intensities as well as receive safe, sustainable guidance from instructors.

MĀ Yoga


539 Herald Street

The MĀ Yoga instructors downtown Victoria have an emphasis on providing educational, self-paced, and deep transformational classes. As a group of educators and certified health practitioners, they want to make sure they are creating an environment that is filled with love and healing. Not only do they offer yoga sessions, but they also provide a wellness clinic that has nutrition counselling, somatic therapy, and so much more!

Did you enjoy your experience at your yoga class? Tag your favourite local yoga businesses on social media to show your support!







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  200-764 Yates Street, Victoria BC


Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on the latest events and more!


  200-764 Yates Street, Victoria BC
