Published On: May 10, 2019 | By |

Here at the DVBA, our mission is to nurture and promote the vitality and vibrancy of downtown Victoria and its business community. And that’s what we have been doing since our inception in 2005. How, you ask? We have built a strong Clean Team to clean, paint over graffiti, and dispose of litter. We have organized or sponsored hundreds of events and have offered grants and sponsorships to keep downtown looking lovely. And, we have performed marketing surveys and created campaigns to promote our beloved downtown core.


If you are anything like us, you like numbers. So, here are a few to give you a better sense of what we do as the Downtown Victoria Business Association:





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  200-764 Yates Street, Victoria BC


Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on the latest events and more!


  200-764 Yates Street, Victoria BC
